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Monday, February 24, 2014

Window 8 Anti-virus - Don't buy one

Is seems that our classes are getting more and more popular.  I am not sure whether it is because technology is changing so fast or just because the more people want to learn and take control of their technology purchases.  Either way, our attendance has double since last year.

Today we are discussing "Backup and Recovery", transferring data to a new computer and Anti-virus.  Many people in the class had recently purchased new Windows 8 based machines and almost in every case they were sold an Anti-virus program like Web Root even though the manufacturer of the laptop had added Norton or McAfee to their standard bloatware.  None of these are necessary - when you purchase Windows 8 with or without a computer you have already
a great Anti-virus included in the price.  It comes with Windows and is call Windows Defender.  Much of our time after the class was spent removing the Anti-virus that was installed on the system and letting Windows Defender take over.

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