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Monday, May 1, 2017

How to react to a Fake Virus - Ramsomware

I have had a few folks tell me about a ransomware scam that occurs when you misspell a web site entry in your browser.  They are designed to look scary and make you call the number but it is really just junk.  I know people who have called one of these and paid $500 to have them "Fix the Problem."  This post will help you fix your problem if this happens to you.

Here is a video example of one of these kinds of scams.

First of all, NEVER call this 1-800 number and give them money.

Fixing the problem:

We used Google Chrome in this example but if you use Microsoft Edge please see my previous post.  When the site appears on your screen you cannot shut it down you simply clicking on the "X" in the top right corner.  So, here is how to fix this.

1.  While holding down the CTRL and Shift Key hit the Esc key
               This will bring up the Task Manage
2.  Click on Google Chrome to highlight it
3.  Click on "End Task"

That will take down the Chrome Browser and the site will be gone.

  When you bring up Chrome again   You will see this in the top right corner.  Simply Click on the "X"

And you're done.  There really was no virus on your computer and you don't have to pay any money responding to the scam. 


  1. Perfect timing. Got this yesterday, now I know what to do. Thanks

  2. Thank you, young man. ����
